22 Juni 2010

Yes. It's like a book !
At first, I judge a man from his cover and his preface.
At second, I give score to his words and his sentences.

I'm very superficial.
What-so-ever !

17 Juni 2010

...this arrhythmia is not hard to deal,
but this heart beat,
is a deal.

14 Juni 2010

I don't miss you and I won't miss you.
I just miss the memories.

13 Juni 2010

rintiknya gemericik,
tik, tik, tik...

hampir membentuk ritmik,
setengah nada.

hampir seperti lirik,
layaknya berfrasa.

rintiknya mulai gemericik,
dan sebaiknya titik saja.

tanpa koma ?

11 Juni 2010

kamu, debu dan menjemukan


kolomku tidak ada daftar yang berdebu.

maaf (lagi),
tidak menerima daftar baru yang menjemukan.


*tutup buku (yang kesekian kali)*

10 Juni 2010

for the courtesy to my favorite poet

RABU, JUNI 09, 2010
from www.hujanrintik-rintik.blogspot.com

Sekotak coklat,
terbelit menyilang pita merah muda,
tergeletak di sudut meja,
seharusnya itu untuk kamu.

seikat mawar,
dua puluh tujuh batang,
terjurai satu per satu,
seharusnya itu hadiahmu.

cincin emas putih,
bersemanyam di jari manis kananmu,
berkilat penuh pesona,
seharusnya itu mewakili hatiku...

*love the words, love the poem*

06 Juni 2010

an old broken box

People are busy dreaming bigger, executing the big plan and it has to be out of the box.

Do we really need to think out of the box ?
Do we really want to dream bigger ?
Do we really need to do big things ?

We are busy looking outside of the box without knowing what is inside the box.

Do we really take care what inside or when everything is getting not right, we just want to jump to another box and leave the broken box ?

People thinks if they move out into new box, they will be happy. Will they ?

How many collections of an old broken box we have ?
Can we come back and re-decorate it ?

*Nareswari in a skeptical mind*
we just can't stop thinking because we think we have to arouse our mind.

are we a slut to our own mind ?
Thank you for the heart !
We are not in love !

We are a fine matter of heart.

05 Juni 2010

I promised to every heart beat that I have thrown away,
I will keep the first butterfly that is stranded in my stomach.