22 September 2010


Recently I got thinking about relationship.
Above all the painful I had before, I think...now it's time to take a leap in a new happiness, into a relation so called in a relationship.

Relationship, between two people,
there are those that open you up to something new and exotic,
those that are old and familiar,
those that bring you back,
those that bring up lots of questions,
those that bring you somewhere unexpected,
those that bring you far from where you started,
those that enrich your soul,
those that give you strength,
those that make you smile even when you are down,
and those that you will keep it forever.

But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself.
And if you can find someone to love the you that you love, well, that's just fabulous...

20 September 2010

tak peduli hati ini terbaca atau hanya terlintas,
peduliku hanya satu,
untuk yang terpantas,
dan itu kamu.

07 September 2010

...akan lunas (besok malam).

waktu itu,
kehabisan bumbu.

lapar tapi tidak ada bahan.

kumakan yang ada.

tiba-tiba temanku bilang "sabar...pasti nanti ada makanan yang lezat dan mengenyangkan"
mendadak aku sadar "iya, kenapa harus makan yang tidak enak begini. Aku harus sabar"

tidak hanya bumbu yang datang,
tapi juga kamu membawakan makanan untukku.

tiba-tiba temanku bilang (lagi) "laparmu terbayar kan?"
aku jawab "terbayar meski aku kelaparan hingga sakit tapi akan terbayar dengan lunas, besok malam"

PS : je suis (presque) contente. A demain, mon cherie.