07 Februari 2010

Hallo my X'mas Whislist ! Welcome my Feb' Whislist !!

My Christmas whislist :

1. Le noir pump Jimmy Choo and the YSL bag. (COMPENSATED BY A GREAT WATCH!)
2. A new home in January (CHECKED !! MORE THAN BEAUTIFUL HOME)
3. A great time in Singapore for new year's with old and new friends. (CHECKED !! AN AWESOME HOLIDAY !!)
4. A lovely X'mas dinner with family (CHECKED !! ;-) SUPERBE LA DINNE)
5. The last : My man (WILL REPLY ON THIS NEXT WEEK !) ;-)

*not too much to ask !*

1. A new "home" in February
2. A great super project yet challenging

* really this is not too much to ask! *

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