26 Maret 2008

wanna be loved not be adored

Wait, I will be there.
I just have to wait for the next bus.
I wear my green shirt wif this brown skirt.
I bet you will remember.

Be patient.
So sorry I didn’t buy the ticket yesterday.
If we can’t meet up today, then tomorrow will be ok, rite?

Wait, I will be there.
I just have to wait for the next bus.
Accompanied by this book, and a sms from you,
- I know that you don’t want to be adored so I won’t, I love you-

and I’m the one who adore you.


If stupid is a fruit that would be a bitter fruit
If stupid is a wrong turn on way back home that would because my mind has been hijacking
If stupid is a colour that would be a dark colour which is stranded in a rainbow.
If stupid is me, that would because of doing many wrong things, and who knows what next!! stupid.

20 Maret 2008

Anonymous Inspiration

As long as I become a regular customer here, I hardly see her. Now, almost at above 9pm, she is there. Sitting in the corner, with her laptop and some books, off course with a cup of espresso. Sometime alone, sometime with some fren, she seems doesn’t care with anything goes around. She looks tired but she kinda feels comfort with the situation. She is definitely a writer. I saw her picture in a magz a few weeks ago. I like her writing; about politics but she writes it in a funny, sarcastic ways.
All I know is her name, Canting. Javanesse name. Sophisticated name just like the way she is. She is tended to be a quiet woman. I’ve never seen her dominating the conversation, she likes to be an observer and busy with her laptop.
Standing across her, in the bar, all I can do just finding a moment to see her smoking her cigarette. I love the way she do it, so intens. I can make every girl to be mine but with her, I have no idea. She’s different. I always feel a bit intimidated when she is staring at me with her look “go to hell”. I think she hates me, but I don’t know why. She’s just the way she is. I don’t know whether she is smart but not pretty or she is not smart but pretty or I just scared that there is someone who is smart and pretty. She’s so perfect with all her imperfection.
Canting, I think I’m starting to feel the butterfly in my stomach.


I never like this place. It’s too crowded.
It was a month ago, my friend persuaded me to come. He said “Come on Canting, now is time to move. Don’t you feel a bit bored; always do the writing in this place?”. Yeah, you rite. Let’s move then.
So, here I’am, always sitting in the corner, waiting my friend to come for meeting, networking, or just sitting with me, they do the talking and I’m just listening, like always. In a sudden, my eye had caught an interesting imperfection. Arrogant, a bit cassanova, absolutely an alcoholic, simply a lonely guy, with different girl everytime he comes in. I always find pleasure when I caught his eyes staring at me. That is the time I can give a look “you are nothing”. I always hate someone who thinks he is simply irresistible because he has money, he has company, he has the look and he definitely doesn’t have manner. I’ve ever heard his friend call his name “Banyu”. Banyu, he is simply annoying me, everytime he comes with different girl, and he just keep drinking and flirting, just makes me sick.

“I think you are starting to like him” Anna, said to me.
“no way!.”

Well, no way or yes way. Perhaps she is rite. Now, everytime when I enter, he is the one that I’m looking for. If he is there, I’m definitely happy, strange isn’t it? Why is that? Is he something now?.

17 Maret 2008

ruang(nya) hawa

Hanya dapat kututup dengan lembar sutra,
tak bermantra,

Tanpa harap,
Tanpa kata,
Tanpa ruang,

Berharap iring wangi dapat menyentuhnya,
dengan merajuk,
dan menusuk rusuk.

seperti adam merucutkannya pada hawa.

07 Maret 2008

dalam rasa

Landainya daratan bukan bermakna licin dan tak bertuan
Surutnya air pasang bukan berarti tenang dan bisa berenang

Jika seluruh ciptaan seperti yang terlihat,
Mengapa harus ada hati yang tercipta untuk menyimpan?

Jika panca indera menangkap persisnya,
Mengapa harus ada sentuhan untuk memastikan?

Riuhnya angin bukan berarti remuknya dahan yang tetap terpasang di ranting,
Lebatnya hujan tak bermakna bagi bambu yang kokoh terpaku pada akarnya.

Jika lembaran hidup seperti yang ingin terlihat,
Untuk apa ada makna didalamnya?

Mata tersaji untuk pengelihatan
Hidung tercipta untuk penciuman
Telinga ada untuk pendengaran
Pengecapan untuk menikmati,
Hati untuk merasakan dengan segenap cipta yang ada,

bahwa mawar yang jatuh remuk dan terinjak tetap bermakna sebuah mawar yang mampu membawa harum bagi siapa yang bernyawa,

bahwa matahari yang redup karena hujan tetap menuai hangat bagi yang mampu merasakan lembutnya sentuhan sesudah tangis menetes.

02 Maret 2008

titik nol

ranting pohon berwarna coklat dengan daun yang mulai menguning.

andai raga tak lagi ada sambung nyawa,
mungkin daun tak mampu lagi berwarna.

its matter

every time is moving.
every count will be disappearing.
every path has to be filled.

time always be a time,
days always be a days,
and that has never be changed.

but life remains changed.

as long as time give you enough time,
and days give you enough laugh,
and friends give you enough hands to hold,

it is time for eyes to see,
for ears to listen,
for lips to say,
for heart to stay to find what so called home.

the best yet to come but if the best come,
time won't give enough time to think,
and days won't give enough space to move.

just do it.

that's life.
cherish what we've already had.
and be gratefull on what we've been starting.

*First step always be the hardest step but keep continuing on our first step in every wish we had!!!*